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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where money goes? Where power comes from? (part 2)

 Before anything, let me return back to the second example of philosophic points in which we have:
The change depends on the direction” and Math used it as follows:
“If a function of w=f(x,y,z,t) wants to move far from a point (p), the change of amounts for this function depends on its direction”
As you know, one of the most crucial things in strategy formulation of a comprehensive strategic management model is to generate, evaluate and select the strategies. I think that Strategic Management can utilize from this fundamental axiom of Mathematics to make new type of strategy.
Can you bring an example for this type of strategy in the field of Strategic Management?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Where money goes? Where power comes from?

Let me remind you about a quotation from the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi as follows:

توانا بود هر که دانا بود" (Knowledge is power)"

Have you even heard the people say: “I wish I had not too much knowledge because when your knowledge increases notably, you will be suffering in your life”.
But there is the fundamental difference between to get knowledge and to make them. For instance, when we find out a problem by ourselves, we are excited and encouraged to solve this problem while there are so many problems that we are not interested in studying about them. First of all, we should have a true definition of the knowledge. What is the meaning of the knowledge?
In my opinion, the knowledge is to discover new constant data by analyzing previous constant data in which all constant data are the stable only for a period of the time.
In the result, I am willing to say: “Someone who are able to make the PARADOX, do not need to war for obtaining the power”.
Of course, this is a Pseudo – Power. Because, someone who are generating paradoxes, once upon a time, will be swallowed by all paradoxes generated by their self.

Therefore, you will gain a Real Power, if your knowledge and also the results of your works are helping and saving the people throughout the world.
When you have a Real Power, you do not need to follow the money but the money will follow you.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Supporter Systems (sleepers) in the Nature for Tunneling

Have you ever thought about the supporting of the tunneling by using of implement a tie beam framework (or concrete slab) on the ground and connection of this frame with tensional piles (the piles under tension)?
These tensional piles will take some of Soil pressure (lateral & vertical pressure) above tunneling and transfer the loading to tie beam framework in which you can easily do your tunneling. Of course, there is a balance of the cost and the time for utilizing of this plan. Is there any reference for this method?
Definitely, one of the best ways for solving of the problem is to find out the supporter systems (sleepers) in the nature as a strategy or new idea (refer to Point “J”of “The executive methods for solving of the problem” on below link:

Saturday, December 4, 2010

An executive method for embankment layers in roads and yards

This is a technical note of “An executive method for embankment layers in roads and yards”.
When we proceed to execute a compacted layer, for example: soil, Base, Sub base layer in road and yards, we should know how much the soil or aggregate (as a base or sub base layer) per square meter is need for reaching to specifications of design (thickness, percentage of compaction).
Author has presented an executive method to solve of above problem in this technical note.
After designing of a pavement for roads or yards, civil engineer obtains several layers of aggregates (base or sub base) and soil that they must be compacted and executed under asphalt. Each one of these layers has its own specifications included: thickness, percentage of compaction, maximum dry density, optimum moisture, atterburg limits, sandy equalent, crashing percentage and etc.
Two specifications of them are very important: thickness and     compaction percentage. In this manuscript it has been calculated: “what is the distance between unloading of two consecutive Damp Trucks a long road so that two important specifications are produced?”
     Main body Of Article describing work and results:
     The following is a list of symbols used throughout the text:
-      w%    Natural moisture of the soil
-      Dn      Natural unit weight (Free unit weight of the soil)
-      Dm     Maximum dry density
-      R %   Compaction Percentage (Design Specification)
-      Z        Thickness of layer (Design specification)
-      V2       Volume of dry compacted soil after filling
-      m2      Weight of dry compacted soil after filling
-      m1      Weight of natural soil (Free)
     - A          required Area (XY) for unloading soil of each Damp Truck
     - V1         required Volume of unloading soil on Area (XY) by each Damp Truck
In order to execute a filling layer on sub grade in the road, we start it in accordance with four stages as follows:
A)  Unloading of soil or aggregate on required area (XY) of sub grade with required volume (V1) by a Damp Truck.
B)  To distribute storage area of soil (Unloaded by Damp Truck) by a Grader so that the soil or aggregate layer reaches to thickness of design specifications.
C)  Spraying on soil by watering - Can Truck in order to reach the soil or aggregate to optimum moisture.
D)  To compact the soil or aggregate by a Roller in order to reach to compaction percentage of design specifications.
    In this technical note, the target is to obtain the required area (XY) for unloading soil of each Damp Truck or the required volume (V1) of unloading soil on area (XY) by each Damp Truck for reaching to specifications of design.

    In order to solve above problem, author has used from returning    analyze as follows:
   An element of soil (X, Y, Z) has been considered after executing of the last stage (stage D).

V2 = Z.X.Y                                                             (1)
m2 = Dm. Z.X.Y.R                                                      (2)
m1 = m2 + (m2 * w %) = m2 (1 + w %)                       (3)
Therefore, it could be used from below formula:
V1 = m1 / Dn = Dm.Z.X.Y.R((1 + w %) / Dn                 (4)
X.Y = A = V1. Dn / Dm.Z.R((1 + w %)                        (5)
Example (1):
w = 3 %
Dm = 2.17 gr / cm3
R = 95 %
Dn = 1.53 gr / cm3
A = 10000 cm2
V1 = 2.17 * 15 * 10000 * 95 % * (1 + 3 %) / 1.53
V1 = 0.2 m3
Example (2):
w = 3 %
Dm = 2.17 gr / cm3
R = 95 %
Dn = 1.53 gr / cm3
V1 = 6 m3 = 6000,000 cm3
6000,000 = 2.17 * 15 * 95 % * (1 + 3 %) A / 1.53
A = X.Y= 288226 cm2
A # 29 m2
In this technical note, author has tried to show what is the distance between two consecutive soil storage area that they have been   unloaded by Damp Trucks for reaching to design specifications in roads and yards.
It is possible only with having results of laboratory tests.
Easily, we can see that above problem is independent of optimum moisture.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The quotation of Charlie Chaplin

Here is an important quotation of Charlie Chaplin in Persian language:

لبخند بزن بدون انتظار پاسخي از دنيا، بدان روزي دنيا آنقدر شرمنده ميشود كه بجاي پاسخ لبخندت، به تمام سازهايت مي رقصد.چارلي چاپلين

I could not find the original quotation.
Can you acquire it?

I translated this quotation in English language as follows:

"Smile, without any expectation for response from the world. Be aware that someday the world will be so embarrassed that instead of answering to your smile, will dance for all of your orders."

Actually, I am not sure whether it is the quotation of Charlie Chaplin because I can not find it anywhere.

Anyways, I would like to know whose quote is. Because I enjoy it
and this quote is very important for me.

I consider below approach as my analysis:

smile = presenting of the thoughts, ideas,stories and sharing of the knowledge

There is the quotation of Immanuel Kant as follows:

“If man makes himself a worm he must not complain when he is trodden on.”

Now, let me replace glow-worm or silk-worm instead of “a worm” in above quotation.
We will have:

“If man makes himself a glow-worm he will not be trodden on during the period of the night”
“If man makes himself a silk-worm he will not be trodden on any time”

I think that above quotations are the same meanings with the first quotation (Unknown). In fact, they are two sides of a coin (extreme positive or negative).

In the meanwhile, I really enjoy from other quotations of Immanuel Kant below cited because they are completely compatible with my approach:

“Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law.”
“May you live your life as if the maxim of your actions were to become universal law”
“Act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for the whole world”

Best Regards

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Energy saving through efficient Industrial Boiler System (part 2)

While I was researching on case study of "Energy saving through efficient Industrial Boiler System", I found a problem as follows:
Assume there is the sequence of natural numbers below cited:

a1, a2, a3, ……….an

Where: a2 = a1+ S, a3 = a2 + L, a4 = a3 + S, a5 = a4 + L ……..an = a(n-1) + (S or L)

In fact, S and L are added to natural numbers off and on.
S and L = constant members of real numbers®
We have:

an = a1 +{(n-1)/2}(S +L) If n = 2k +1
an = a1 + 0.5 {(n-2)L + nS} If n = 2k

Do you know any easy way to calculate below series?
SUM (an) from n = 1 to n = i and “i” is a member of natural numbers

Is there any real number for: limit Sum (an) if “n” tends to infinity?

I would like to inform you that my problem has been solved by Mr. Nico Potyka on below link:


The answer is as follows:

Let's consider the cases s1, and si for even and uneven i.

1. s1 = a1

2. 1 < i = 2k+1. Let's decompose the sum in separate parts for a1, S and L. Then we obtain:

coefficients of a1:

coefficients of S:
(i-1) + (i-3) + ... + 2
= (1 + 2 + ... + (i-1)/2) * 2
= ((i-1) / 2 * (i+1) / 2) / 2 * 2
= (i^2-1)/4

coefficients of L:
(i-2) + (i-4) + ... + 1
= 1 + 3 + ... + (i-2)
= ((i-1)/2)^2

So in this case we obtain si = a1*i + S * (i^2 - 1) / 4 + L * (i-1)^2 / 4

3. 1 < i = 2k.

coefficients of a1:

coefficients of S:
(i-1) + (i-3) + ... + 1
= 1 + 3 + ... i-1
= (i/2)^2
= i^2 / 4

coefficients of L:
(i-2) + (i-4) + ... + 2
= (2 + 4 + ... + i-2)
= 2 * (1 + 2 + ... (i-2)/2))
= 2*((i-2)/2)*i/2)/2
= (i^2 - 2i)/4

So we obtain si = a1*i + S * i^2 / 4 + L * (i^2 - 2i) / 4

Better check the result ;)

PS. A general form for i in N is:

si = a1*i + (as*S +al*L) / 4
where as := i^2 - (i mod 2)
and al := (i-1)^2 - ((i+1) mod 2)

So much to thank him for solving of my problem.

PS: I consider this quotation “Xenophanes said: The gods did not reveal all things to men at the start; but, as time goes on, by searching, they discover more and more” for below link (camel - stationary traveller):

Best Regards
Gholamreza Soleimani